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Privacy Policy


(obligations related to Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n.196 - Privacy Code)

This privacy statement describes the processing of personal data entered or collected on the site (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"). The information also illustrates the processing of personal data entered or collected through third-party applications, platforms or sites (eg. Facebook, Google Analytics, Google Adwords).

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Pas De Mer has read the legislation that replaces Legislative Decree 196/2003 (or Privacy Code) starting from 25 May 2018. With reference to this protocol for the management and processing of personal data, it has updated and integrated this information, as well as adapted all the processes and dynamics affected by the GDPR (both as regards the Site and as regards the physical point of sale).

We link below the official and reference sources for the GDPR legislation, in order to make all the material useful for understanding the dynamics regarding personal and sensitive data easily accessible.

Official website -

Document of the Regulation (in Italian)

If the user finds anomalies or deficiencies (which have escaped our checks), please report all the information to us promptly, in order to be able to intervene promptly. We have always tried to protect the interests of both the User and the Customer as much as possible and at the same time provide an adequate, useful and efficient service for them: this also means having the utmost willingness to correct any inaccuracies or oversights.

To implement this policy, we provide all the channels and features we have to receive communications and reports on: email, messaging chat on Facebook and Whatsapp, in-store assistance located in Via Istanbul, 4 07026 , Olbia (SS), Italy.

Type of personal data collected

We collect two types of information: personal data and anonymous data. In addition, we may use personal data and anonymous data to create a third type of information called aggregate data.

Below is the list and nature of personal data collected on the Site:

  • registration data entered when the user creates an account, which include or may include name, surname, residential address, gender, date of birth, country of birth, e-mail address, username and password;
  • transaction data entered when the user completes the purchase of a product; they are linked to data that include information on the products / services purchased, the postal address, the tax code, the telephone number and payment information;
  • personal data sent by a user within messaging systems, chats, posting of messages or the like, where activated, the service is permitted by applicable laws (eg. Facebook Messenger);
  • personal data entered when using the Site or third-party websites, such as social networking sites, or when the user connects their profile on a third-party site or platform with the registration account;
  • location information of the user when visiting our Site, including location information provided by a mobile device interacting with our Site or Applications, or relating to the user's IP address, where the processing of such data is permitted by applicable laws;
  • usage, display and technical data, including the device identifier or the user's IP address, the moment the user visits the Site, uses our Applications on third-party sites and platforms, or opens our email messages.

Methods of collecting personal data

We collect the personal data entered by the user when products, services or information are requested, or when the user registers on the Site, communicates with our customer care, responds to questionnaires or surveys, participates in a promotion, a game, or a contest, or interact with us in another way.

Please note that when the user provides personal data on third-party platforms or websites (for example, through our Applications), the data sent may be collected separately from the third-party site or platform.

We collect personal data in accordance with the directives of this privacy statement; furthermore, personal data collected from third party sites and platforms are subject to the privacy directives of such third party sites and platforms. The choices in relation to privacy made by the user on third-party sites and platforms do not apply to our use of the personal data we collect directly through our Applications.

When you register with your social account, we will obtain the personal data that you choose to share with us through these social media services based on their privacy settings. This can include your friends list and reviews from other network users. We may also use social media plug-ins on our Site or Applications. Consequently, the data will be shared with the social media service and possibly shared on the user's social media profile. Please refer to the privacy policy of these third party social media providers to learn more about these practices.

We collect data through registration forms both within the Site and within third-party platforms (eg. Facebook). The registration forms within the Site can be native (direct collection on proprietary systems), integrated via code (form embed), integrated via popup. In all cases, this privacy policy is clearly visible, clear and can be consulted - through the appropriate link - and subject to free approval or rejection by the user.

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous (aggregate) statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning and are kept for the times defined by the relevant legal regulations. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the Site.

We collect personal data by means of technological elements such as cookies, when the user visits our Site. Please read the Cookie Policy for more information, including how to disable cookies.

Purpose of data processing

Access to and navigation of the Site are free, but the possibility of using some online services available on the Site (eg the ability to purchase an item) is only allowed after the user has registered. The registration process consists in filling in an online form in which the user is asked to indicate his personal data - some of which must be entered - for the activation of authentication credentials (email + password) with which the interested party will subsequently access to all areas and services of the Site reserved for registered users. Therefore, in the first place, the primary purposes of the processing are represented by the need to allow the completion of the required procedures for prior online registration and the creation of an account and to allow the Site managers to generate and subsequently manage the technical and administrative ( including the purposes of providing technical and commercial support and assistance upon request) of the account, activation codes, passwords and similar authentication credentials to be used on the Site as created by users as part of the registration process.

Registered users, once authenticated to the Site, are then enabled to use all the services made available online on the Site. These services are divided into the following areas and can be used on the basis of the separate contractual conditions available on the Site.

Therefore, the processing of personal data (including their registration in the Pas De Mer records) is aimed at achieving the following primary purposes:

  1. a) to guarantee registration on the Site, allow the user to access some of the web pages of the Site where it is possible to use the specific online services, guarantee the correct provision of the services requested through the Site, and, therefore, to fulfill correct and punctual to all the obligations deriving from the contractual relationship established, as well as to the obligations deriving from the law or regulations in force, in particular, in the fiscal field, as well as public security;

  2. b) for administrative and accounting purposes, including the possible transmission by e-mail of commercial invoices by Pas De Mer and / or companies connected to it in the provision of the service, for sending communications to the user regarding the account or transactions made with Pas De Mer;

  3. c) finally, among the primary purposes there are also some technical treatments carried out through the so-called "technical cookies" on the basis of what is described in more detail in the Cookie Policy. In these specific cases, the technical treatments are aimed solely at carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network to the extent strictly necessary to provide the services explicitly requested by users.

In all the cases illustrated above in points a), b) and c), Pas De Mer is not obliged to acquire the specific consent from the user. In fact, all the treatments described above pursue primary purposes for which art. 24 of the Privacy Code excludes the need to acquire a specific consent from the interested party, either because the processing is necessary to fulfill an obligation established by law, by a regulation or by community legislation, or because the processing is necessary to perform obligations deriving from a contract to which the interested party is a party, or to fulfill, before the conclusion of the contract, specific requests of the interested party.

If the user does not intend to provide the personal data requested and necessary on the basis of the foregoing, the consequence would be that of the impossibility of proceeding with registration on the Site and to use all the services for which the registration and provision of data they are in any case technically and contractually necessary (eg the possibility of purchasing an item).

However, it would still be possible to browse the Site as an unregistered and anonymous user and view only the content and materials available without registration.

In compliance with the Privacy Code and the user's choices, the data may also be processed for the following additional secondary purposes:

  1. d) for subscribing to the mailing lists held by Pas De Mer, sending advertising and information material on the products and services offered, purchase solicitations by means of automated systems such as e-mail or by telephone with operator (of hereinafter referred to as "Treatment for purposes of Mareketing");

  2. e) for the elaboration of the commercial profile of the customer (through the detection of consumption habits), aimed both at monitoring the degree of customer satisfaction to ensure better satisfaction of the customer's needs, and at sending informative material and / or advertising of specific interest to the customer, by means of automated systems, such as e-mail, fax, sms or MMS, or by post.

In all the cases illustrated above in points d) and e), the data may be processed only in the event of specific consent being given. Failure to provide consent will correspond to denial.

Therefore, by giving the optional consent, the interested party specifically acknowledges and authorizes these further possible treatments. In any case, even if the interested party has given consent to pursue the purposes mentioned in points d) and e), he will still be free to revoke it at any time, by sending a clear communication to that effect to Pas De Mer at the email / info address @ or through the dedicated links included in each newsletter sent.

Any refusal will have no consequence except the impossibility of being included in statistical and / or profiling analyzes and receiving promotions, discounts and targeted communications, based on the data provided, or to be informed about any marketing and promotional initiatives. advertising. Therefore, for these additional purposes, the processing will take place exclusively according to the purposes and on the basis of the specific consent given by the interested party when registering on the Site.

Important: It is reiterated that the primary and essential component in the purposes of using personal data is the provision of the sales service in an appropriate manner for quality and efficiency. This also includes a fast and effective assistance service, which requires the availability of data capable of facilitating customer care activities both with the customer and in the relationship with suppliers (eg couriers in case of disservices, communications relating to specific deliveries, etc).

Methods of data processing

The processing of personal data will mainly be carried out with the aid of electronic or automated means, in the manner and with the appropriate tools to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data, in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196 / 2003. In particular, all technical, IT, organizational, logistical and procedural security measures will be adopted, as provided for by Legislative Decree 196/2003, so that the minimum level of data protection required by law is guaranteed, allowing the access only to the persons in charge of processing by the Data Controller or by the Managers designated by the Data Controller.

Methods of data retention and usage times

The data collected through the Site are stored in digital environments:

  • protected by unique passwords for each member of the Pas De Mer Team
  • subject to periodic encryption
  • monitored with log detection to ensure useful information should it be necessary
The data collected through third-party platforms are protected by unique passwords for each member of the Pas De Mer Team

We also change the access passwords on a regular basis for security reasons, as well as carry out a quarterly internal audit to verify that there are no anomalies or news relating to the data collected that require the integration of this Privacy Policy and internal documents. related to the GDPR.

Both for the purposes of buying and selling (eg dialogue with the Courier) and for the purposes of assistance, Pas De Mer intends to keep the data collected and stored for an undefined period. At the basis of this lies the need - proven over the years of operation - to be able to draw on the history of each user / customer and his purchases for:

  • To be able to provide an efficient and useful service
  • Go back and identify any misunderstandings during the purchase phase
  • Demonstrate any misunderstandings or evidence of specific issues that have led to any issues whatsoever
  • Have material that may be required by product suppliers regarding defective batches, returns due to product malfunctions, specific item withdrawals, product traceability, etc.

For online marketing and advertising purposes, Pas De Mer intends to keep the data collected for the duration that the platforms used allow.

At the basis of this lies the need - given the statistical nature of this activity - to collect and cross-reference as much aggregate (and therefore anonymous) data as possible in order to improve the quality of the promotional activities both in terms of sales and in terms of appreciation. and interest on the part of users / customers for the proposed contents.


The Data Controller is CRACKERS SNC with registered office in Via Istanbul, 4 07026, Olbia (SS), Italy. The designated Data Processor reference can be reached by writing an email to


Finally, it is recalled that art. 7 Legislative Decree 196/2003 grants the interested party the exercise of specific rights, including those to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of their personal data even if not yet registered, the communication in intelligible form of the same data, their origin, the purposes and methods of treatment as well as the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments.

The interested party can also obtain the updating, rectification or, if there is interest, the integration of data as well as the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law.

It is also the right of the interested party to object, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of his personal data even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection or for commercial communications, for sending advertising material or for direct sales.

Important: The user is free at any time to know what data we collect, how we store and protect them, and how they are used. You are also free at any time to request the partial or total cancellation of them through different methods: features present on the Site, on the forms / mailing services used by us, direct communication with our assistance service through any channel (eg Facebook Messenger, email, telephone, etc). Our goal is to facilitate in any way the acknowledgment and awareness of the use of user data and to give the possibility to intervene at any time in the consents / refusals of use.

Terms and conditions of use (pre GDPR) and COOKIE POLICY

The Website is an online information service provided by Pas De Mer. Its use is subject to acceptance of the terms and conditions set out below. If you do not intend to accept, you are invited not to use the Site and not to download any material from it.

Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files saved on your computer or device while browsing, which allow you to collect information about online activity. They have a time limit after which they are eliminated; some are deleted directly at the end of the session.

What are they for?

Cookies allow us to make your browsing personalized and designed on the basis of your preferences. They also allow us to understand how to improve our site to make it more pleasant and easier to consult.

What type of cookies do we use?

Technical cookies: they are essential for the functioning of the website. This type of cookie allows you to browse the site correctly, see objects, use the services.

Aggregate profiling cookies: we collect anonymous browsing data useful for building "audience segments" that allow us to propose effective and useful commercial offers through online advertising.

What third-party platforms use the cookies we collect?

Google Analytics: analysis and monitoring platform

Facebook: social networking platform that provides an advertising circuit

Google adwords: online advertising platform

Get Site Control: tool for on-site communication of messages and contents

No cookies?

At any time you can partially or completely restrict the sharing of your cookies with us or with other websites.

We explain how to manage, verify and delete cookies from your device, based on the browser you use:

Internet Explorer:

Mozilla Firefox:

Google Chrome:

